Bethlehem Mosaics

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Samer Hanna

His stones, and his mosaics.

Samer Jacob Hanna (sometimes also known by his extended family name Nissaneh) is a lifelong Bethlehemite. His family belongs to the Syriac Christian community, a group of people related to Arabs who have traditionally used the language of Aramaic in their communities and liturgies.

Samer has been working in stone for 15 years. From the beginning, he has loved the challenge of working in stone. “I love to create something from nothing,” he says. Using remainder stone from construction sites and other locations, perhaps Samer and his work aptly fits the well-known verse from the Book of Psalms: “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (Chapter 118, Verse 22).

Starting with his own creativity, Samer takes a different approach to each project; sometimes using sketches, other times computer graphic software. Some projects have examples to work off, of using photos and images either readily available or researched. Other projects start entirely in his mind. Almost all work is custom order, and is completed entirely by him, or overseeing a few trusted artisans working under his supervision.

While stone is at the center of all his work, many elements come into play. Does he work from large stones or intricately cut smaller patterns? Does he use Jerusalem Stone, or stone from the Negev or the Judean hills? Does he incorporate wood or other materials into the work? These are all questions that often have no answers until he is well into the project.

The results, however, speak for themselves. Since 2013, Samer has successfully worked full-time in mosaic and stone artisanship, a highly competitive niche market in the Holy Land. Creating hundreds of products for customers in the last few years, his customers have included St. Peter’s Catholic Cathedral of Glasgow, the Luxembourgian and Sri Lankan panels of the Marian Shrine of the Annuniciation in Nazareth, and two gifts made for Pope Francis in honor of his Papal pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2014, presented by President Mahmoud Abbas on behalf of the Palestinian people.

Regardless of the recipient, Samer’s products are all creations of skill, attention to detail, and creativity. From nothing comes something; from rough stone shards comes intricate beauty.
